5G/6G Wireless Technologies: Perspectives of the Next Generation Mobile Communications and Networking
6G and Beyond Mobile Wireless Communications Enabling Intelligent Mobility
AI-Driven Big Data Processing: Theory, Methodology, and Applications
Additive Manufacturing Security
Addressing Challenging Issues of Grids with High Penetration of Grid Connected Power Converters: Towards Future and Smart Grids
Addressing Economic, Environmental and Humanitarian Challenges in the Polar Regions
Advanced Big Data Analysis for Vehicular Social Networks
Advanced Communications and Networking Techniques for Wireless Connected Intelligent Robot Swarms
Advanced Control and Health Management for Aircraft and its Propulsion System
Advanced Data Analytics for Large-scale Complex Data Environments
Advanced Data Mining Methods for Social Computing
Advanced Energy Storage Technologies and Their Applications
Advanced Information Sensing and Learning Technologies for Data-centric Smart Health Applications
Advanced Optical Imaging for Extreme Environments
Advanced Sensor Technologies on Water Monitoring and Modeling
Advanced Signal Processing Methods in Medical Imaging
Advanced Software and Data Engineering for Secure Societies
Advanced modeling and control of complex mechatronic systems with nonlinearity and uncertainty
Advances in Channel Coding for 5G and Beyond
Advances in Interference Mitigation Techniques for Device-to-Device Communications
Advances in Machine Learning and Cognitive Computing for Industry Applications
Advances in Power Line Communication and its Applications
Advances in Prognostics and System Health Management
Advances in Signal Processing for Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access
Advances in Statistical Channel Modeling for Future Wireless Communications Networks
Advances in Vehicular Clouds
Advances of Multisensory Services and Technologies for Healthcare in Smart Cities
Ambient Intelligence Environments with Wireless Sensor Networks from the Point of View of Big Data and Smart & Sustainable Cities
Analysis and Synthesis of Large-Scale Systems
Analysis and Synthesis of Time-delay Systems
Antenna and Propagation for 5G and Beyond
Applications of Big Data in Social Sciences
Applying Four Ds of Machine Learning to Advance Biometrics
Artificial Intelligence (AI)-Empowered Intelligent Transportation Systems
Artificial Intelligence Enabled Networking
Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Electric Power Systems
Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Computing for Communication and Network
Artificial Intelligence for Physical-Layer Wireless Communications
Artificial Intelligence in CyberSecurity
Artificial Intelligence in Parallel and Distributed Computing
Battery Energy Storage and Management Systems
Big Data Analytics for Smart and Connected Health
Big Data Analytics in Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems
Big Data Learning and Discovery
Big Data Services and Computational Intelligence for Industrial Systems
Big Data Technology and Applications in Intelligent Transportation
Big Data for Green Communications and Computing
Bio-Compatible Devices and Bio-Electromagnetics for Bio-Medical Applications
Bio-Compatible Materials and Bio-Electromagnetics for Bio-Medical Applications
Biologically inspired image processing challenges and future directions
Body Area Networks
Body Area Networks for Interdisciplinary Research
Challenges and Opportunities of Big Data Against Cyber Crime
Challenges for Smart Worlds
Cloud - Fog - Edge Computing in Cyber-Physical-Social Systems (CPSS)
Cloud and Big Data-based Next-generation Cognitive Radio Networks
Cloud-based Robotic Systems for Intelligent Services
Collaboration for Internet of Things
Communication and Fog/Edge Computing Towards Intelligent Connected Vehicles (ICVs)
Communication, Control and Computation Issues in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks
Communication, Control, and Computation Issues in Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks
Complex System Health Management based on Condition Monitoring and Test Data
Convergence of Sensor Networks, Cloud Computing, and Big Data in Industrial Internet of Thing
Cooperative and Intelligent Sensing
Curbing Crowdturfing in Online Social Networks
Cyber-Physical Systems
Cyber-Physical-Social Computing and Networking
Cyber-Threats and Countermeasures in the Healthcare Sector
D2D Communications: Security Issues and Resource Allocation
Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) Using Disparate Data Streams
Data Mining and Granular Computing in Big Data and Knowledge Processing
Data Mining for Internet of Things
Data-Driven Monitoring, Fault Diagnosis and Control of Cyber-Physical Systems
Data-Enabled Intelligence for Digital Health
Deep Learning Algorithms for Internet of Medical Things
Deep Learning for Computer-aided Medical Diagnosis
Deep Learning: Security and Forensics Research Advances and Challenges
Deployment and Management of Small Heterogeneous Cells for 5G
Design and Analysis Techniques in Iterative Learning Control
Digital Forensics through Multimedia Source Inference
Distributed Computing Infrastructure for Cyber-Physical Systems
Emergent Topics for Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems in Smartphone, IoT, and Cloud Computing Era
Emerging Approaches to Cyber Security
Emerging Cloud-Based Wireless Communications and Networks
Emerging Computed Tomograph
Emerging Computed Tomography Technologies
Emerging Technologies for Device to Device Communications
Emerging Technologies for Energy Internet
Emerging Trends, Issues and Challenges for Array Signal Processing and Its Applications in Smart City
Emerging Trends, Issues and Challenges in Underwater Acoustic Sensor Networks
Emerging Trends, Issues, and Challenges in Energy-Efficient Cloud Computing
Emerging technologies on vehicle to everything (V2X)
Emotion-aware Mobile Computing
Energy Efficient Wireless Communications with Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer
Energy Harvesting and Scavenging: Technologies, Algorithms, and Communication Protocols
Energy Management in Buildings
Exploiting the Benefits of Interference in Wireless Networks: Energy Harvesting and Security
Fairness in Futuristic Wireless Networks: Applications, Implementation, Issues, and Opportunities
Feature Representation and Learning Methods With Applications in Large-Scale Biological Sequence Analysis
Fog Radio Access Networks (F-RANs) for 5G: Recent Advances and Future Trends
Future Generation Smart Cities Research: Services, Applications, Case Studies and Policymaking Considerations for Well-Being [Part II]
Future Networks: Architectures
Future Networks: Architectures, Protocols, and Applications
GNSS, Localization, and Navigation Technologies
Green Cloud and Fog Computing: Energy Efficiency and Sustainability Aware Infrastructures, Protocols, and Applications
Green Cloud and Fog Computing: Energy Efficient and Sustainable Infrastructures, Protocols and Applications
Green Communications and Networking for 5G
Green Communications and Networking for 5G Wireless
Green Communications on Wireless Networks
Green Internet of Things
Green Signal Processing for Wireless Communications and Networking
Health Informatics for the Developing World
Healthcare Big Data
Healthcare Information Technology for the Extreme and Remote Environments
Heterogeneous Crowdsourced Data Analytics
High Mobility 5G LTE-V: Challenges and Solutions
Human-Centered Smart Systems and Technologies
Index Modulation Techniques for Next-Generation Wireless Networks
Industrial Sensor Networks with Advanced Data Management: Design and Security
Industry 4.0
Information Centric Wireless Networking with Edge Computing for 5G and IoT
Information Security Solutions for Telemedicine Applications
Innovation and Application of Intelligent Processing of Data, Information and Knowledge as Resources in Edge Computing
Innovation and Application of Internet of Things and Emerging Technologies in Smart Sensing
Innovation and Application?of Intelligent Processing of Data, Information and Knowledge as Resources in Edge Computing
Innovations in Electrical and Computer Engineering Education
Integrative Computer Vision and Multimedia Analytics
Intelligent Data Sensing, Collection and Dissemination in Mobile Computing
Intelligent Information Services
Intelligent Sensing on Mobile and Social Media Analytics
Intelligent Systems for the Internet of Things
Intelligent and Cognitive Techniques for Internet of Things
Internet of Things (IoT) in 5G Wireless Communications
Internet-of-Things (IoT) Big Data Trust Management
Key Technologies for Smart Factory of Industry 4.0
Latest Advances and Emerging Applications of Data Hiding
Learning Systems Based Control and Optimization of Complex Nonlinear Systems
Machine Learning Designs, Implementations and Techniques
Microwave (X- and S-band) Marine Radars for Ocean Sensing
Millimeter-Wave Communications: New Research Trends and Challenges
Millimeter-wave and Terahertz Propagation, Channel Modeling and Applications
Mission Critical Public-Safety Communications: Architectures, Enabling Technologies, and Future Applications
Mission Critical Sensors and Sensor Networks (MC-SSN)
Mobile Edge Computing
Mobile Edge Computing and Mobile Cloud Computing: Addressing Heterogeneity and Energy Issues of Compute and Network Resources
Mobile Edge Computing for Wireless Networks
Mobile Multimedia for Healthcare
Mobile Multimedia: Methodology and Applications
Mobile Service Computing with Internet of Things
Modelling, Analysis, and Design of 5G Ultra-Dense Networks
Multi-Function RF Components for Current and Future 5G Wireless Communications
Multimedia Analysis for Internet-of-Things
Multiphase Flow Measurement: Techniques and Applications
Nano-antennas, Nano-transceivers, and Nano-networks / Communications
Network Resource Management in Flying Ad Hoc Networks: Challenges, Potentials, Future Applications, and Wayforward
Networks of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Wireless Communications, Applications, Control and Modelling
Neural Engineering Informatics
New Developments on Reliable Control and Filtering of Complex Nonlinear Systems
New Technologies for Smart Farming 4.0: Research Challenges and Opportunities
New Trends in Brain Signal Processing and Analysis
New Waveform Design and Air-Interface for Future Heterogeneous Network towards 5G
Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access for 5G Systems
Novel Learning Applications and Services for Smart Campus
Optical Wireless Technologies for 5G Communications and Beyond
Optimization for Emerging Wireless Networks: Industry 4.0
Optimization for Emerging Wireless Networks: IoT, 5G and Smart Grid Communication Networks
Physical and Medium Access Control Layer Advances in 5G Wireless Networks
Power Quality and Harmonics Issues of Future and Smart Grids
Privacy Preservation for Large-Scale User Data in Social Networks
Protocols for Nanocommunication Networks
Proximity Service (ProSe) Challenges and Applications
Radio Frequency Identification and Security Techniques
Real-Time Edge Analytics for Big Data in Internet of Things
Recent Advances in Cloud Radio Access Networks
Recent Advances in Computational Intelligence paradigms for Security and Privacy for Fog and Mobile Edge Computing
Recent Advances in Fault Diagnosis and Fault-Tolerant Control of Aerospace Engineering Systems
Recent Advances in Full-Duplex Radios and Networks
Recent Advances in Socially-aware Mobile Networking
Recent Advances in Software Defined Networking for 5G Networks
Recent Advances in Video Coding and Security
Recent Advances on Modelling, Optimization and Signal Processing Methods in Vehicle Dynamics and Crash-worthiness
Recent Advances on Radio Access and Security Methods in 5G Networks
Recent Advantages of Computer Vision based on Chinese Conference on Computer Vision (CCCV) 2017
Recent Computational Methods in Knowledge Engineering and Intelligence Computation
Recent Developments in Consensus Problems for Complex Networked Systems
Research Challenges and Opportunities in Security and Privacy of Blockchain Technologies
Resource Management in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks: Energy Management, Communication Protocol and Future Applications
Roadmap to 5G: Rising to the Challenge
Scalable Deep Learning for Big Data
Secure Communication for the Next Generation 5G and IoT Networks
Secure Modulations for Future Wireless Communications and Mobile Networks
Security Analytics and Intelligence for Cyber Physical Systems
Security and Privacy for Cloud and IoT
Security and Privacy for Vehicular Networks
Security and Privacy in Applications and Services for Future Internet of Things
Security and Privacy in Emerging Decentralized Communication Environments
Security and Reliability Aware System Design for Mobile Computing Devices
Security and Trusted Computing for Industrial Internet of Things
Security in Wireless Communications and Networking
Security, Privacy, and Trust Management in Smart Cities
Sequential Data Modeling and Its Emerging Applications
Smart Caching, Communications, Computing and Cybersecurity for Information-Centric Internet of Things
Smart Cities
Smart Grids: A Hub of Interdisciplinary Research
Smart Health Sensing and Computational Intelligence: From Big Data to Big Impacts
Social Computing Applications for Smart Cities
Socially Enabled Networking and Computing
Soft Computing Techniques for Image Analysis in the Medical Industry - Current trends, Challenges and Solutions
Soft Computing Techniques for Image Analysis in the Medical Industry ? Current trends, Challenges and Solutions
Soft Computing Techniques for Image Analysis in the Medical Industry Current trends, Challenges and Solutions
Software Defined Networks for Energy Internet and Smart Grid Communications
Software Standards and Their Impact in Reducing Software Failures
Special Section: Security Analytics and Intelligence for Cyber Physical Systems
Special Section: Soft Computing Techniques for Image Analysis in the Medical Industry - Current trends, Challenges and Solutions
Survivability Strategies for Emerging Wireless Networks
Sustainable Infrastructures, Protocols, and Research Challenges for Fog Computing
System-Level Design Automation Methods for Multi-Processor System-on-Chips
The Internet of Energy: Architectures, Cyber Security, and Applications
The Internet of Energy: Architectures, Cyber Security, and Applications (Part II)
The New Era of Smart Cities: Sensors, Communication Technologies and Applications
The Plethora of Research in Internet of Things (IoT)
Theoretical Foundations for Big Data Applications: Challenges and Opportunities
Theory, Algorithms, and Applications of Sparse Recovery
Toward Ubiquitous Real-Time Radio Propagation Modeling
Toward Ubiquitous Real-Time Radio Propagation Modeling: The Exploitation of Cyber Resources, GPU and Fast and Accurate EM Algorithms
Towards Service-Centric Internet of Things (IoT): From Modeling to Practice
Trends and Advances for Ambient Intelligence with Internet of Things (IoT) systems
Trends, Perspectives and Prospects of Machine Learning Applied to Biomedical Systems in Internet of Medical Things
Trust Management in Pervasive Social Networking (TruPSN)
Trusted Computing
Tunable devices for modern communications: materials, integration, modeling, and applications
Ultra-Dense Cellular Networks
Uncertainty Quantification in Robotic Applications
Underwater Wireless Communications and Networking
Urban Computing & Well-being in Smart Cities: Services, Applications, Policymaking Considerations
Urban Computing and Intelligence
Utility Pattern Mining: Theoretical Analytics and Applications
Visual Analysis for CPS Data
Visual Surveillance and Biometrics: Practices, Challenges, and Possibilities
Wearable and Implantable Devices and Systems
Wide Area Surveillance
Wireless Body Area Networks
Wireless Cachiing Technique for 5G
Wirelessly Powered Networks Algorithms, Applications and Technologies