As the demand for higher data rates continues to increase exponentially, there is a shift towards exploring contemporary techniques that are likely to offer higher spectral efficiency. A new modulation technique termed as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with sub‐carrier power modulation (OFDM‐SPM) has recently been introduced. It is an original technique that is still largely under-explored and aims at transmitting more bits per sub‐carrier by manipulating the power of the sub‐carriers in an OFDM block, in addition to those bits that are usually transmitted by conventional modulation schemes such as M-PSK. During the investigation and theoretical testing stages, it was found that the additional data stream conveyed by subcarriers' power has higher bit error rate (BER) performance compared to the data stream conveyed by conventional modulation schemes. To overcome this shortfall, signal space diversity (SSD) along with coordinate interleaving is proposed in this work to be integrated with OFDM‐SPM to help improve the overall BER performance. By doing so, it is shown that a BER performance of 10-3 can be obtained at SNR of 15 dB, which means achieving an improvement of more than 5 dB compared to the case of using OFDM‐SPM without SSD. Furthermore, the performance results of OFDM‐SPM‐SSD is compared with those of OFDM‐SPM with maximal ratio combining (MRC) and the obtained results show that OFDM‐SPM‐SSD offers superior performance. Additionally, a study of the effect of the constellation rotation on OFDM‐SPM is provided and an in‐depth analysis is also carried out for different power polices of sub‐carrier power modulation with regards to two main performance metrics; namely BER and the throughput. Simulation results show that SSD provides a considerable improvement in the BER over both plain OFDM‐SPM and OFDM‐SPM‐MRC. The analysis also reveal that when considering the different power policies of SPM, the BER results are optimum in the case of using power‐reassignment policy.
INDEX TERMS: OFDM-SPM, SSD, MRC, SNR, BER, OFDM, Adaptive Modulation, Rayleigh Fading, Receive Diversity, Signal Space Diversity.
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