This is the full MATLAB Simulation Codes package, which is used to generate the results presented in the paper titled “NC-OFDM-SPM: A Two-Dimensional Non-Coherent Modulation Scheme for Achieving the Coherent Performance of OFDM”.
In this work, the authors prove the ability of non-coherent OFDM with subcarrier power modulation (NC-OFDM-SPM), which has been proposed as a two-dimensional modulation scheme, in achieving the coherent performance of plain OFDM scheme, under proper power reassignment mechanism.
A promising candidate solution for reducing complexity in future wireless systems is the use of non-coherent designs; however, it is very well known in the literature that non-coherent schemes perform worse than their coherent counterparts. To address this longstanding challenging trade-off, we demonstrate and prove in this work the ability of the proposed two-dimensional modulation scheme termed as non-coherent orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with subcarrier power modulation and differential phase shift keying in achieving the performance of a coherent design, while reducing complexity. Although the proposed design is non-coherent (i.e., it uses differential phase shift keying and power difference to convey information), it achieves the same bit error rate (BER) performance as conventional OFDM with coherent BPSK. Furthermore, since the proposed scheme employs two-dimensional modulations simultaneously (i.e., DPSK and subcarrier power levels), an additional data stream can be transmitted through the power subcarriers’ levels. Thus, the proposed design not only solves the trade-off between coherent and non-coherent modulations in terms of reliability by achieving the same BER, but also provides higher data rates by exploring the power domain as an additional dimension for conveying extra data bits, while maintaining low complexity transceiver design, thus making it very appealing for IoT applications.
INDEX TERMS: Non-coherent, Internet of Things, IoT, non-coherent OFDM, subcarrier power modulation, OFDM-SPM, wireless communication.
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By increasing the density and number of different functionalities in wireless networks there is more and more need for the use of artificial intelligence for pl
Welcome to our course on OFDM-SPM (orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with subcarrier power modulation), a novel OFDM modulation technique for future wi